Need great developers?

So DID we.

Access our network of proven, flexible & cost effective partners – with teams & solutions tailored to YOUR needs.

We've already made successful connections...

We started introducing close contacts to the development partners of our own projects, when we noticed a pattern:

Each successful recommendation led to multi-year relationships – and great products!
Also, the feedback was awesome. Specifically how our partners handled their clients’ evolving needs.

Below are highlights of how our partners helped 3 core client groups, with varying requirements & constraints:


- flexible & ready to get started
- cost effective & scalable
- can act as an interim CTO


- deadline-oriented workflows
- established cohesive units
- thorough documentation


- scalable & dynamic teams
- long term partnerships
- parallel to existing operations

And now we want to help you too!

Fast-track your project

We know that finding the right development partner for your project can be frustrating.
We can fast-track this - allowing you to focus on more important things!

Our proven partners

It is always learn from others' experience and avoid repeating mistakes. We are happy to share the good & the bad, to help you get the most from any development partners.

Flexible & Cost effective

Our partners are tried and tested and proven to be the perfect balance of price & quality. Also the ability to add & remove team members as the project evolves is optimal cost effectiveness.

And this is how we operate

Our process is designed to identify & clarify your needs directly, and only once we understand that – connect you with the most relevant of our trusted partners. 

We aspire to be as efficient & helpful as possible to protect your precious time.

The overall process can be summarised as below:


Get in touch with DevPal

An initial call to answer any questions & get to know each other.

An intro to your needs

Outline requirements & establish priorities as a specification.

Get quotes & estimations

Our partners will provide initial feedback & estimates for review.

Choose your partner

Get to know them and establish a trust that they can deliver!

Get started!!

Now the real work begins. Kick off meeting & milestones agreed.

Current 'senior developer' pricing analysis

Great developers are hard to find, & the cost of hiring the wrong person or partner is huge.
To help you understand what to expect, we compiled the following overview. 

To be transparent: DevPal doesn’t cost YOU anything.
We receive a commission from our partner for a successful introduction. Simple as that.

Full Time Employee

HR costs + €7,000 pcm salary + benefits + overheads + 30% taxes
Long term commitment is legally necessary & economically advisable to justify high recruitment costs
3-6 months, with multi-stage interviews

Freelancer (DE)

±€100/hour = €16,000 + 10% Agency fees
Flexible option. However, freelancers can leave at short notice causing gaps in knowledge & project delays
1-3 month selection process


±€60 per hour with discount available for dedicated teams + 0% fee!
Integrate into setup, communicate efficiently, manage documentation & test thoroughly.
2-4 weeks validation phase & on-boarding

Based in Hamburg, Germany.

We have been through what you’re going through, and now we are here to help.

Get in touch to see how DevPal can help you 🙂